Company Introduction
Manufacturer of wooden ruler, plastic ruler, easel, T-square ruler, parallel straightedge board, wooden palette, sketch box, protractor and mechanical pencil.
Main Products
wooden & plastic drafting tools & supplies and engineering & graphic
supplies- wooden T- square and easels, fixed & removable head
T- squarers, studio wood easel, wooden table easel, wooden ruler,
metal easel, sketch box, wooden palette, parallel ruler, parallel
straightedge boards, educator wood compass, sketch box, set square,
french curve, educator musical score drawing instrument, educator triangles,
oppenings, wooden pantographs, pencil sharpener, mechanical pencil,
sketch box, light boxes french curve set, drawing container,
flexible curve, pencil sharpener, french curve,
computer flowcharting template, half round protractor, light boxes,
drawing board iron - angles ruler with scales.